Sunday, September 19, 2010

Catwoman (2004) 1/2

Wow. I was stunned watching this movie. It was mesmerized. I was in awe. How in the hell can a studio make a film that is sort of a spin off to a dead franchise, yet has nothing to do with the rebooted franchise. That's the first major problem with this film. How can you do a film featuring a Batman villain without Batman? You can't. It will fail every time. 

The other major problem is the film is crap. I'm talking legendary crap. From 2004 on people have said "I'm going to go take a Catwoman!" when going to the bathroom to defecate. The plot is silly as hell with Catwoman (Halle Berry) being resurrected by cats after being murdered by a poor man's Bond villain (Sharon Stone) who runs an evil cosmetics company.

Yes, I said evil cosmetics company. Shit. Pure shit.

So she's Catwoman. Revenge. The end. I have never seen such putrid garbage. Shot like a crap MTV video with seizure like qualities, there is no direction in this film. Just a bunch of cuts with crappy acting and even crappier characters. This film is such a waste of time, money, neurons, anything that went into this film was a waste. Somewhere in this world someone died in a car accident going to see Catwoman and that is the worst fucking tragedy in the world. No, there is another tragedy. Dying on the way home from seeing Catwoman. 

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