Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another 9 1/2 Weeks (1997) 1/2

I am not a fan of the original 9 1/2 Weeks, the film that made the term Skinemax an American institution of Pay TV naughtiness. It was soft core smut with a doily for a plot. 

It's no surprise that its sequel is an even worse piece of garbage than the original film. This is a film where they obviously said "We can get Mickey Rourke cheap!" The film follows John (Mickey Rourke) as he obsesses over Kim Basinger's character from the first film. He goes to an art sale in Paris where he meets Lea (Angie Everhart), an associate of his true love who knows too much about him and obviously wants to get it on with Johnny. Cat and mouse ensues featuring fully clothed sex scenes. Yeah.

From a script that is thrown together crap and acting that is just above a five year old reciting lines from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this film doesn't even deserve to be made, let alone viewed by the public. Rourke is a shell of an actor and the face to show it. if you feel like you're getting old check out Mickey in Angel Heart, then compare to this flick, then wrap it up with Iron Man 2. There is no grace in that movement. Angie Everhart can't act her way out of a paper bag. She's an eye candy actress, which is why she got the role in this clap trap. The problem is that she has to have lines and that's where the failure comes into play.

This movie is a good laugh from time to time. I left to use the bathroom and returned to a naked woman on an over sized roulette wheel getting wax poured on her. I could of checked into the explanation, but who cares. I just wanted to get it over with. Avoid this film at all costs.

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