Saturday, March 7, 2009

WALL-E (2008) ****1/2

Wall-E is about the last of the trash compactor robots that were left on Earth 800 years ago to clean up the mess that man created for himself. Where are we at? We're in a giant Wal Mart turning into Elvis: The Dying Days as we wait for the day that we can return home. When a probe drops EVE, a robot used for searching for plant life on the surface of the Earth, Wall-E falls in love with her and travels across the galaxy out of this new found feeling inside of his gear box.

Once again Pixar has made an animated film that isn't a cut above the rest, it's on the top of Everest while everyone else is sitting in an outhouse in Nebraska. I just can not understand why every year we get so many animated films and they look like someone painted on the stalls of a gas station bathroom in their own feces compared to Pixar's work.

Even though the story is a little too preachy the entire idea of a littered Earth is a MacGuffin. This is actually a love story between Wall-E and Eve. Don't ask me how they did it but Pixar will make you believe that robots can fall in love. And it works.

It's getting to the point that I'm beginning to wonder if Pixar can do no wrong.

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