Monday, March 30, 2009

Mama's Boy (2007) *

Jon Heder could win an Academy Award and the presenter would say that the winner is Napoleon Dynamite. Yes, he's back saying the same mundane character in Mama's Boy, a totally unfunny piece of crap. You know the basic premise from the title before going in. Napoleon's mom (Diane Keaton, who is quickly challenging Kathy Bates for most dysfunctional mother roles in a career) wants to get out and meets a motivational speaker (Jeff Daniels). They go to war. He meets a hippie girl (Anna Faris) who he has feelings for and everyone knows it except himself. Yes, this film is that recycled.

I'm going to be perfectly honest. The only reason this film got a full star is because Eli Wallach is in this piece of shit. Eli Wallach kicks ass. I suggest fast forwarding through Napoleon's schtick and checking out Eli. He's awesome. But not even Eli Wallach can make this turd float. If I actually laughed at anything in this film I might reconsider, but it is just so damn unfunny it's pathetic. How the hell did this blight on cinemea get released? What cash and sexual favors were exchanged? Who had fun with animals pictures? There has to be some reason for this to get made because it sure as hell wasn't because it was worth a damn.

Flush it.

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