Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Just Happened (2008) ***

What Just Happened is a "satire" on Hollywood through one week in the life of Hollywood producer Ben (Robert De Niro) whose entire life is a crisis. The movie he's previewing is getting bad feedback over the ending, he can't come to terms with separating from his second wife, his daughter from his first marriage is having problems that she won't reveal to him, and the movie that's going into production could get scrapped because Bruce Willis will not shave his beard. Ben attempts to juggle all of these things, usually fixing things at the job but failing to correct issues in his personal life.

I don't understand why this film is being listed as a comedy. Sure it had two funny scenes, but most movies do. I can't really call it a satire either because I can see every bit of this film actually happening at one time or another. I would almost call it a docudrama. De Niro is great as Ben, a guy that's wrapped up in his work and can not miss a phone call. God bless Bluetooth. The film is finely acting throughout which isn't a surprise with John Turturro, Stanley Tucci, Catherine Keener, and Bruce Willis filling out the main cast.

There are some dull points in the film and like I said: do not be fooled by the PR. It's a good film if you're into movies or De Niro, but otherwise I don't see mainstream America getting into it. It is an interesting look into the quirks that hinder how films get made.

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