Wednesday, January 6, 2010

500 Days Of Summer (2009) ****1/2

Did you ever just get out of a relationship and wonder what the hell went wrong? Everything seemed fine. 500 Days of Summer recounts the 500 days that Tom (Joespeh Gordon-Levitt) is obsessed with Summer (Zoey Deschanel). From the first meeting, through the good times of pretending Bed, Bath, and Beyond is their home, into the bad times, and finally ending in meltdown, it's all there as a documentary/ highlight reel, skipping back and forth throughout the relationship, counting down the days like an efficiency love expert.

The opening of the film states flat out that this is not a love story and it isn't at all. It's more of an examination of a personality (Tom) and how he sees his relationship with Summer. You see it from his eyes and not until the final few minutes does the audience experience that moment of clarity with Tom- this has a long time coming, sir. The film serves as an examination of the modern relationship from the earliest days of finding out that the two of you like the same band to the dreaded engagement ring.

Director Marc Weber bounces back and forth not as a gimmick, ripping off Tarantino or the hundreds of directors that followed him. Weber's splices and dices coincide with each other so that you get a film that isn't choppy, but flows from one section of their love to the next. Each skip complements the other. 500 Days of Summer is a wonderfully shot and acted film that goes beyond the popcorn crunching norm of boys and girls hating each other until realizing "Hey, you're OK". It's almost in reverse.

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