The film takes place over Valentine's Day. Wow, there's a stretch! It is so full of characters, situations, actors, and such that it would take way to long to illustrate most of it. Here is a link for the cast: I know this seems lazy as hell, but screw it. The only cast member I will comment on is Bradley Cooper, who also appeared in that piece of garbage called He's Just Not That Into and is currently working on his "I Was In Every Movie This Year" award. This movie is full of A list talent. The problem is that there are so damn many of them that they're barely on screen to make any kind of impression on you. Everyone is way underused, which begs the question: why in the hell didn't anyone slash a little bit from the script. There are at least half a dozen plot points that could have been eliminated to give the film a more cohesive flow instead of the jumpy mess we get. Most of the situations are standard chick flick/sitcom cliches that we've all seen since television and bad movies were invented. A movie about two people or even four people on Valentine's Day would have been enough. This flick gives us close to twenty. I am not shitting you.
Garry Marshall actually does a decent job juggling this mess, but it still ends up just a mess on the screen. Still, it made a shitload of money this weekend which is why it was made. I can't wait for the Sweetest Day sequel. Or the action comedy "Take Your Kid To Work Day".
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