Fight Club is the Taxi Driver of Generation X. Taxi Driver expressed the anger of one individual who felt disillusioned in the urban society that had left him behind. Fight Club takes that idea and puts it upon an entire generation of fatherless "boy-men". Travis Bickle would have been a member of a Fight Club.
Since the first two rules of Fight Club are not to talk about Fight Club I won't waste your time with what you already know. Everyone knows the plot. There's no sense wasting time on it. It's the message that's important.
Fight Club is a film that represents what happened in the 1990's. Corporations slithered in and started naming everything from male enhancement stock cars to Colon Blow ballparks. This stuff exploded in the '90's.
The question is: Did people get angry about it?
Woodstock 1999 fell to shit a few months before this film was released (and three years after the book it was based on). If that wasn't the same kind of bellow against the corporations that this film was, I don't know what is.
No, Fight Club is not Kick Boxer. It's much more than that.
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