Batman Begins (2005) ****1/2
Batman Begins tells the modern myth of how wealthy Bruce Wayne became Batman and the trials that go along with having your life consumed by an odyssey. Christian Bale will quickly become your favorite cowled crime fighter within his first few minutes of screen time. He fills the role with more reality than any of his predecessors and not only gives us a great Batman but a REAL Batman. Christopher Nolan directs the film with a passion that holds to the old myths but also gives us a new twist here and there. This is what a superhero movie should be, bot some digital effects smorgasbord that's a mess artistically. Nolan creates a masterwork out of standard summer popcorn fair. Batman Begins is more of a character study than a pow, biff, wam flick.I would also like to throw in that Gary Oldman can play ANY part known to man.A Batman movie that washes that bad taste of Schumacher out of our mouths, fans of The Dark Knight will notice how this film pulls from Frank Miller's work on Batman some twenty years ago. A true piece of great film making.7/18/08
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